Milestones Timeline

Without history there is no future


WWW browser was available for download via FTP by CERN. This was the big start for the world wide web.


Founders where in preschool

  • The number of Internet hosts reaches 4 million
  • Internet Search Engines Started:
    • Yahoo
    • Excite
    • Infoseek



Founders where in high school

Google announces it has indexed over one billion pages making it the Internet’s largest search engine


Founders and all team members started to browse the internet and we were shocked of Google algorithm at this moment

Video game adventuress Lara Croft comes to life in a movie “Lara Croft: Tomb Rider” starring Angelina Jolie


Egyptian Internet Services (EIS) is introduced to the Egyptian market

  • Apple opens the iTunes store
  • LinkedIn is launched
  • Skype goes live

Developed the first Delphi application using Access database

  • Mark Zuckerberg launches Facebook
  • Blizzard releases World of Warcraft game
  • EIS introduced Bit&Bits
  • YouTube is founded 
  • Google acquires Android
  • Bit&Bits Development more than 60 websites for our early birds customers
  • Twttr, now known as Twitter is officially launched
  • jQuery is first introduced
  • opens AWS
  • MySpace and Internet Explorer were on top
  • We started discovering the high-tech paradigm that was called “Cloud”
  • Apple introduces iPhone
  • Steve Jobs is inducted into the California Hall of Fame
  • Google releases Android


  • Bit&Bits team grow and we moved to a bigger office
  • Apple launches AppStore
  • GitHub is founded


  • Internet currency Bitcoin is introduced
  • After more than five years in beta, Gmail finally gets live


Uplifted our logo and identity

  • Apple launches the iPad
  • Instagram is launched


Announcement of creatine more than 30 service portal.

  • LTE allows for faster access
  • Microsoft releases Office 365
  • Netflix introduces its online video streaming to enable subscribers to stream full movies over the Internet


The revolution, and internet cut-off and we again went far back to the dark side
(3osor al Zalam)

  • The year of Facebook
  • Microsoft introduces Surface
  • Apple releases iPad mini


Started introducing a new service line and the shifting the company title from
Web Development Company to a Full Digital Media Experience

  • Apple introduces the new iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, and Apple Watch
  • Google Glass is launched to the public
  • Android version 5.0 (Lollipop) is released


Our team extensively expanded and we shifted to a higher-level office to adapt with our new management vision to become one of the biggest Digital Media Agencies in the MENA region

  • The Covid pandemic hit the world and all companies closed as well as the rest were set to work from home
  • Video conferencing platform Zoom reported 300 million daily active meeting participants, up from 10 million in 2019.


  • We took care of (Egra2at e7terazaya) and worked harder and achieved our goal
  • Opened in UAE

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